We believe that the whole is greater than the sum of its parts and we apply this approach in our service provision. We believe that the whole is greater than the sum of its parts and we apply this approach in our service provision.
We believe that the whole is greater than the sum of its parts and we apply this approach in our service provision.
Sys-TEMP is designed to handle any type of temporary labour, from IT staff to drivers, nurses to warehouse, commercial to catering staff and much more.
Sys-TEMP, through it’s definable templated design is able to easily control and manage all of your temporary labour bookings, compliance, charging, invoicing, pay and admin functions
To define a new sector / discipline/ Category or Skill is a simple process
Sys-TEMP provides extremely easy navigation throughout,
With an Outlook style side bar navigation system utilising a dual bar, mutli tab “Explorer” style onscreen tab mechanism, Sys-TEMP allows you to jump around the whole system and react to the demands of your workers and clients instantaneously. Complemented by immediate access push menu buttons, your working day is onscreen for you to access immediately!
Navigation is so simple, In this example you step from the workers record, to the client master list into the job control centre in 3 clicks!
Sys-TEMP delivers definable, templated, worker compliance management by automatically screening each worker against a set of specified criteria, meaning your operators CANNOT select an incompliant worker to fill a job!!!
As directors within the recruitment industry for 14 years , We understand the exposures with regards to compliant supply, due diligence and best practice adherence.
Sys-TEMP is designed to mitigate and has many controls and reports on your compliance performance , allowing you to
demonstrate compliance, due diligence and best practice at all times
Sys-TEMP operates a full worker database including Worker records , Contact info, Entitlement to work, PAYE/ Umbrella structure, Swedish derogation and contract types, licence expiries and convictions, criminal records, equal opportunities , worker preferences and availability monitor, provided docs, security checks, skills, work preferences and much more
As with the worker database, The client database is full and concise, recording clients, sites, contracts, categories, pay and charge rates, client contractual requirements, client personnel, calls made to clients, terms and conditions, exclusion lists, financial and invoicing info, Skills and disciplines and much more.
All info in both databases is used to drive the compliance and automation of the system.
The Job Control Centre is the epicentre of the system. All jobs are added, managed, planned, finalised and confirmed from here.
With systems including Job planning tools, hours entry and modification suites, today, this week and master list views, multi job add function, multi job booking function,
Job and hours confirmation and verification systems and a full worker availability management system, Your operators will need nothing more to work effectively and productively.
Adding bookings to the system is a simple 6 click process, at which time you simply need to enter the start time for each booking.
Sys-TEMP allows you to add single same day, single multiple day, multiple same day or multiple bookings for multple days in the same process.
Sys-TEMP offers a full pay and charge suit, Offering the user an automated timesheet to pay and timesheet to charge mechanism and management system.
Sys-TEMP allows each company to define their operators user access to one of three levels, each level has a defined level of operating and functionality, designed to allow each level of worker to work seamlessly within their defined roles.
Administrator: Total system functionality, access to all system reports, functionality and mechanisms, able to create new users and reset passwords.
Manager: Access to most system functionality and reporting, unable to reset passwords or add new users.
User: Basic level access, able to operate day to day process and functions, limited reports access, unable to add users or reset passwords
Sys-TEMP administration suite offers the users an array of tools and definable reports allowing extensive management information to be extracted by Client / Site/ Category/Work and Date. This info can be exported into PDF, Printed or CSV file formats. The tools offer all a consultant needs to deal with the day to day management of temp labour supply.
Sys-TEMP delivers a multitude of benefits to our clients , targeting compliant supply whilst dramatically reducing the cost burden of ongoing and increasing administration. Sys-TEMP provides all users with the necessary tools to deliver a streamlined, cost effective service.
Minimises compliance exposures and maximises best practice
Automates, Standardises and consolidates operational, administrational and financial processes
Improves Cashflow and margins through standardised terms, management information and business management tools
Delivers easily accessed, auditable accountability, records management and management information
Dramatically improves operational and business visibility and communication
Saves money, headcount and minimises labour management and admin cost exposures
We are available to show you what SysTEMP can do for your business. To diarisie an online demo, contact us today and we will find a time to suit you!!